Monday, January 25, 2010


You might notice that I have made a change in the banner - Noodlenotes is actually the title of my blog, but MOODLING is what I do best! See my May 5, 2007, post in the archive for the origin of "moodling."
I am trying a new method of posting to this blog -- from my cell phone! I am soooo brave!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Universal Design for Learning toolkit

Free Technology Toolkit for Universal Design for Learning. Universal Design for Learning is the practice of providing multiple methods of "representation, engagement and expression" for all students to maximize their learning. Once again Joyce Valenza, along with Karen Janowski, hit a homerun with their wikispace - udtechtoolkit - a free technology toolkit for Universal Design for Learning in all classrooms.


If you read through my "old posts" you know that this blog began as a place to collect my thoughts and resources as I re-think and re-shape my role as school librarian. Be on the continual look-out for helpful hints and ideas from anyone who has generously left breadcrumbs - Joyce Valenza has pulled together a list in an article for Tech & Learning...

Booktalking 2.0

Just came across a great article in eVoya by Joyce Valenza (someone you should definitely know about if you are a librarian!). She has shared wonderful ideas and links to booktalk 2.0 tools. These are great resources to propel you into a whole new era of booktalks...