Saturday, September 26, 2009

I have flipped for FLYP

Have you heard of this multimedia magazine online? Watch this clip which explains what FLYP is all about: ( ) "FLYP is a dynamic online, multimedia magazine that combines text, video, audio, animation and interactivity into a new kind of storytelling." Read, watch, listen, interact. Wow. Isn't that what our classrooms should look like? Think of the applications in our teaching methods. And what that would mean to our students in terms of the way they learn. Oh! wait a minute... we ARE doing that in classrooms everywhere! Everyday our teachers are engaging students in the classroom and challenging them to be more interactive - inviting them to become immersed in their reading - showing them the dynamic world of their topics. This online magazine, though, brings us to think about an important point concerning our teaching methods: we are indeed incorporating more and more online content. We can access all these fantastic resources. We share with our students videos and demonstrations, primary documents, interviews, audio recordings, timelines - you name it - in ways that can't happen without technology. Not only can we introduce these resources and experts to our students, but through our information literacy instruction we can also help them LEARN to DISCERN what is important and what isn't. We can help them discover the best ways for them to SHARE what they learn and CREATE new information from all this input. We can show them how to keep learning, and re-learning throughout their lives.